Energy Healing Workshop w/ West African Shaman Jude Unegbu
Secrets of the the Ancient Shamans will be revealed in this workshop that will greatly benefit your spiritual path, good health, and material balancer. With a private healing included with the lecture. In this workshop you will learn to work with the energy field of the body through timeless practices of breath work, mantras, visualization, mudras, movement, chakra healing, and other tools you can use to feel your best. You will learn how to work with your own energy field, and how to navigate the energy fields of others. Come practice healing and leave feeling refreshed.
If you have questions about the workshop or private healings and or would like to book your healing in advance please contact Simone Fraser
[email protected]
If you have questions about the workshop or private healings and or would like to book your healing in advance please contact Simone Fraser
[email protected]
Saturday 9/28 1-4pm &
Sunday Private Healings 9/29 9-9pm
Lead by,
Jude Unegbu &
Born in West Africa under the guardianship of his Grandfather Job, a third-generation healer, Jude learned the secrets of Shamanic practices and has since upgraded his services to serve all of humanity to meet the ever changing "New Energy of Earth." Jude has been a spiritual healer for over 25 years and is currently a resident Shaman and healer in Log Angeles and Mount Shasta. He travels all over the world to serve. Jude's spiritual learning was further enhanced by the use of various yoga masters techniques- utilizing the major chakras (energy centers) to fill the body with spiritual energy so that the body may heal itself. Spiritual Healing technique is practiced and taught by Jude to healers of all traditions, including western medical professionals. He focuses on health, nature, culture, and how to be in the world, yet above it, through service to others.
Simone Bruyere Fraser
Simone Bruyere Fraser began as a ballet dancer for ten years in a company in New York. She was educated at University of Washington, Ithaca College, and Cornell University, and has a B.A. in drama and dance and a M.S. in Communications. She is a performing Artist. She has trained with some of the highest regarded coaches and healers to deepen her body, mind, and soul...and has learned much from Jude the Healer. She loves using art for healing, and healing as art. Her mission is to use the divine power of artistic expression to nurture positive transformation and global healing.